
New Graphic Novel Announcement: Tragic, a Hamlet Retelling!

I am so thrilled to announce my next project and graphic novel debut, TRAGIC, a retelling of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

With stunning artwork by Valentina Pinti and colors by Chiara Di Francia, I’m really proud of this project! I’ve been waiting for a very long time to announce this one, and couldn’t be more excited.

Check it out on shelves Spring 2022, with more news to come!

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Updates from Quiet Town

I just realized I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time.

I don’t have any splashy news to report just this minute…but I have updated the website which was a lot of fun. Things have been very quiet in this town, which is always a very quiet town, since New York went on pause.

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Pub Day in Poland!

It’s a day late, but happy pub day to Kłamstewka, the Polish translation of People Like Us!

I love that this book is being published in a country where my some of my family is from, even if they didn’t live long enough to see me become a published author.

Here is the fabulous cover for Kłamstewka:
